15 Of The Most Dangerous Roads On The Planet

People have be making roads for thousands of years as a way to get from A to B. However, sometimes to route between A and B isn’t exactly what you’d call safe. If you live in an area like this, you have to option of pretty much staying put, or taking a treacherous road. These days almost everybody chooses the latter option, but that doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous or nerve-wracking. These are fifteen of the most dangerous roads on the planet… and let’s just say we’re glad we don’t have to take any of them on our daily commute.
This high mountain pass is one we’d like to avoid!

Just looking at this is making us feel dizzy.

Driving on ice and snow is no joke.

You wouldn’t want to run out of fuel on a road like this!

Our stomachs would not be able to handle a journey on this road!

Drive down this road at the correct moment and you might just get a free car wash!

We don’t even want to think about how many accidents have occurred here.

At least you might have some nice scenery driving down this dangerous road.

The views here look incredible!

This one is definitely not for us!

This looks like something straight out of a horror movie.

Nope, nope and nope.

If you ever happen to drive down a road like this, taking a photo (when stationary) is a must.

The wet road in this image is making us feel nervous!

Who needs to pay a theme park entrance fee when you can get your thrills simply driving along this bridge?!