Forbidden Island | Shocking Secrets About Snake Island

Somewhere in Brazil,a place called Snake Island can be found. The Island is originally called IIha da Queimada Grande.
The term “Queimada” is forest fire or Burn Fire in Portuguese. Research say that the Island got its name as a result of the failed attempt to create a banana plantation. It’s an island infested with snakes(Serpentes). Peep the word I used there,”infested”. This island isn’t like a place where snakes live. It is literally infested with them,I mean there’s an estimate of one snake to every square meter. The word, infested, is usually used when referring to bugs or insects not reptiles.
The Island is located 32.98 kilometers off the coast of the state São Paulo, Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean. The temperature in the island varies from 18.38°C in August to 27.28°C in March and the rainfall ranges from 0.2 mm per month in July to 134.2 mm. You’d think this Island is one you can take a vacation on. Except you want the champagne in your hand to be replaced with a black viper then be my guest. Have fun all the way.
The population of humans in the Island is zero. Who would want to live here?
There are also no animals on the island too.
The size of the island is about 43 hectares, that’s 106 units in acres. The Island contains a total population of 430,000 snakes! An Island that size,with this amount of snakes?
Nah thanks, I’d rather sing songs in Hawaii with my feet in the sand than be anywhere near there.
This Island houses one of the most unique and most deadliest snakes in the planet,The Golden Lancehead Pit Viper. The Golden Lancehead is referred to as Bothrops Insularis botanically. It is a light yellow and brown coloured snake. The venom of this snake is said to be the most deadliest in the whole world. The venom is said to be heamotoxic,which means it attacks the red blood cells and causes all sorts of different physical problems. If a Golden Lancehead bites you, you’d experience internal bleeding, possible hemorrhages of the brain,pain and other symptoms.
Guys,the venom of this snake is said to melt human skin!
There’s a 4-7% chance of survival if one is bitten by a Golden Lancehead. They only exist on the Island, IIha da Queimada Grande. It feeds on the Chilean Elaenia( a specie of a flycatcher) and the southern house Wren. The Golden Lancehead has been listed as part of the critically endangered species on the IUCN Red list of Threatened Species. Its population is about 2000-2900 in digits.
The venom of the Golden Lancehead is also beneficial to human kind. Y’all must be thinking how a venom that kills within seconds and melt human skin is beneficial.
Some scientists have discovered the venom can help in the production of medicines for high blood pressure and clothing disorder. As of this case, some people sneak into the island to find this specie of snakes , collect specimens and sell off at the rate of $10,000-$50,000.
Did I forget to mention this island is prohibited and has been closed down to the public by the Brazilian Navy?
It is that bad. Only authorized people and scientist can be allowed into the island.
In 1909,a lighthouse was said to be constructed to steer ships away from the island. Stories about who the last human resident on the island were made or spread.
Depends on which was actually true.
Some claimed that the last keepers of the lighthouse,the snakes on the island staged an attack on them,crawled into their bedrooms through the windows and killed them. The lighthouse now operates automatically.
There was another myth on how the snakes originally got there. This one talks about how pirates hid their treasures in the island and put those venomous snakes there to prevent anyone from stealing their treasure. If this is actually true, unfortunately the population of the snakes grew over the years and them getting their treasure is practically impossible now.