Discover fascinating trivia about the world’s largest edible mushroooms. Coexisting harmoniously with termites.

The Termitomyces titanicus is highly revered in Zambia, where mushroom-gathering is an integral aspect of life. While the world’s largest fungus (and organism) is Armillaria, which is now eating 1,000 hectares of Oregon, Termitomyces titanicus is the world’s largest edible mushroom, with a cap measuring little over three feet (one meter) wide.

Despite its size and the fact that it was a frequent commodity in native markets, this huge mushroom species remained unknown to Western scientists before to 1980.

Termitomyces is the name given to a fungus that develops within a termite hill. This species of mushrooms has a symbiotic connection with termites, and they develop on their feces, breaking down plant material for nourishment. Another food source for termites is decomposed mushroom tissue.
As a result, termite-associated fungus obtain a consistent supply of plant material in an environment with precisely calibrated temperature and moisture content for optimal development.

But why is it that the mushroom grows so large? For starters, it obtains a significant quantity of resources from its insect mutualist, since termite colonies may number in the millions, with countless individuals scavenging for organic material to feed them. This horizontally transported fungus must distribute enough spores to be detected by compatible termite species, so its expansion isn’t just owing to the massive quantities of energy it obtains. The location of termite mounds in low-producing savanna habitats can be uneven. As a result, the fungus has developed one of, if not the world’s, biggest mushrooms to guarantee that it has a high chance of finding a suitable substrate.
The bigger the mushroom, the more spores it generates, making it simpler for termite foragers to discover them in the first place.

Titanicus thrives during the rainy season, which is excellent mushroom season in its natural environment. It has a meaty texture and a savory, smokey flavor that is said to be especially tasty. And a single cap is enough to feed a whole household…
Titanicus thrives during the rainy season, which is excellent mushroom season in its natural environment. It has a meaty texture and a savory, smokey flavor that is said to be especially tasty. And a single cap is enough to feed a whole household…