Adorable Adventure: Puppy Rides Scooter with Owner, Exploring the Town Together

Pet owners often go the extra mile to bring joy and excitement to their furry friends, from plush toys to tasty treats and cozy blankets. But one owner took it to a whole new level by getting a scooter for his dog. Now, this adventurous pup accompanies his owner everywhere, happily riding along on their scooter adventures.

You can see in the video below the man and his dog, who was on a scooter, out for work as they sell products. But what was great in the video was that the dog was riding the scooter unassisted as if is really skillful! The man did not concern about being recorded or the people’s reaction.

The video was shared on Twitter by an account called @Zhainis, and it directly went viral getting thousands of retweets, views, and comments. Many people were very impressed with the video expressing how great the owner is to trust his dog on a scooter.

While some others said that it could be a very dangerous situation for his dog. How great! Watch the video below.
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