
Virus (2025)
Released in 2025, “Virus” is a science fiction horror film that combines elements of action, suspense, and intrigue. The movie, directed by John Bruno, follows a group of ship crew members who must battle a powerful extraterrestrial force that has taken control of their vessel.

The plot of “Virus” centers around a salvage tugboat, the Sea Star, that comes across a seemingly deserted Russian research ship, the Akademik Vladislav Volkov, drifting in the South Pacific Ocean. When they board the abandoned vessel, they discover that it has been taken over by a malevolent alien entity that is capable of assimilating both organic and mechanical elements.

As the crew of the Sea Star, led by the tough and resourceful Captain Everton (played by Donald Sutherland), attempts to escape the grasp of the alien force, they must navigate through a series of perilous challenges and confrontations. The tension escalates as the alien entity evolves and adapts, becoming more formidable with each passing moment.One of the standout aspects of “Virus” is its special effects, which were ahead of their time for the late 1990s. The intricate designs of the alien creature and the seamless integration of practical and digital effects help to create a visually striking and immersive viewing experience.

The eerie atmosphere of the abandoned ship, combined with the relentless pursuit of the alien entity, keeps viewers on the edge of their seats throughout the film.The cast of “Virus” delivers solid performances, with Jamie Lee Curtis portraying the resourceful Kit Foster, a kickass heroine who takes charge in the face of danger. William Baldwin, as the ship’s navigator Steve Baker, provides a strong supporting presence alongside Sutherland’s authoritative Captain Everton.Overall, “Virus” offers a thrilling and suspenseful ride for fans of science fiction and horror. With its blend of action, intrigue, and otherworldly terror, the film remains a cult favorite among genre enthusiasts. So, if you’re in the mood for a gripping tale of alien terror set aboard a ghostly vessel adrift at sea, “Virus” is sure to deliver a pulse-pounding viewing experience